I love you, mom

As the title suggests, this one is for the woman who raised me. The woman who taught me how to clean my plate and swallow my pride. The woman who insists I have the rest of  my life to be in a relationship, but keeps bugging for grand-babies. The woman who refuses to let me move out of her house because I’ll always be her baby boy.

I’m not going to sit here and rehash everything I’ve already written about my mother and the lessons she’s given me, that’s what hyperlinks are for. Instead, I’m going to take the time to thank her for the unconditional love she’s given to me and my family. I can honestly say that my mother is the rock  that keeps my family together, because we’d more than likely fall apart if it weren’t for her keeping us in line. Lord knows my dad and I would be lounging around watching TV and eating fast food all day and night if it weren’t for her wanting to go out on our days off. I’m also 90% sure my sister and I would’ve killed each other by now if it weren’t for my mom always reminding us that we’re all each other’s got when she and my dad are gone.

It’s always frustrating whenever her birthday, Christmas, or Mother’s Day rolls around because I never know what to get this woman. She’s essentially received handbags and wallets for the past three years because that’s as far as my creativity gets. To prove my point even further, I always give her a gift receipt because she’s exchanged a little over half of the things I’ve gotten her. At this point I feel like I’m better off giving her my credit card for the afternoon and telling her to have fun.  This woman wants absolutely nothing other than to see her family happy and healthy, but she’d give us the world if any of us asked. For that, we’d never be able to repay her.

So this is a thank you, mom.

  • Thank you for all of the meals you’ve made for us. They’re few and far-between because of your work schedule, but I’m not lying when I say you make the best spaghetti.
  • Thank you for all of the toys and games you’ve gotten me. I can admit you spoiled me, and I never really understood the value of a dollar while I was growing up, but I do understand the value of happiness.
  • Thank you for all of the support you’ve provided while growing up. I hardly ever come running to you with my problems, but that doesn’t stop you from knocking on my door and forcing them out of me.
  • Thank you for all of the fights you’ve let me win. I realize now that pride doesn’t come anywhere close to what love can make you feel.
  • Thank you for all the nights you’ve reminded me you loved me. You act as if I’d ever forget.
  • Thank you for all of the mornings you’ve checked in on me before you left for work. It’s difficult seeing each other because our shifts our opposite. And although I’m cranky when you wake me up, I’m always appreciative of every single day we have together.
  • Thank you for all of the times you took care of me when I was sick. I’m better at my job because I’ve modeled myself after the care you give.
  • Thank you for all of the moments you asked me “Why, what did you do wrong?” whenever I went through a breakup. Although most times they weren’t my fault, those questions gave me reason to look back and see what I could have done better.
  • Thank you for all of the lessons you’ve left me and continue to give me. I’m a better man because of it.
  • Thank you for always being there when I need you and even when I don’t. I don’t know where you find the time or energy.
  • Thank you for loving me. I know there were times when I made it very difficult for you.
  • Thank you for being my mom. I couldn’t ask for a better one.
  • Thank you for all the above and more. I couldn’t possibly list everything you’ve done for me.

I love you, mom. I still don’t know what to get you this year.